The Endocannabinoid System

The Endocannabinoid System

The use of hemp oil for sleep applications has been gaining popularity due to its ability to provide a calming effect and improve quality of sleep.  CBD Oil for Sleep  is typically extracted from hemp seeds using a CO2 extraction process. It is then usually purified and concentrated to a usable strength.

The legal status of CBD oil for sleep in the US varies from state to state but is mostly restricted to research centers, pharmaceutical companies, and a few states that have passed legislation specifically allowing it to be sold for medical purposes. Many insurance companies also exclude it from coverage.

It is important to note that unlike traditional sleep aids, CBD oil for sleep does not cause drowsiness in users. In fact, the opposite is true – CBD oil for sleep actually eases sleep apnea and helps users wake up naturally without feeling groggy. Additionally, some consumers have found that regular use of CBD oil for sleep has actually resulted in reduced insomnia and improved daytime wakefulness.

What Is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol and is one of the more than 100 compounds found in the cannabis plant. The compound does not cause intoxication but rather interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system in a way that promotes health and wellness.

The endocannabinoid system is a set of chemical messengers named after the cannabis compound that interact with cannabinoid receptors. The receptors are found in abundance within the human body, especially in regions associated with vital functions like the brain, skin, and liver. The endocannabinoid system regulates a variety of physiological processes and plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis – the body's natural balance.

CBD has been shown in studies to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anxiolytic (antianxiety) effects. It also interacts with the endocannabinoid system to promote healthy brain function and growth. In contrast, when THC is introduced into the system, it can have psychoactive effects and may increase the risk of lung cancer and other illnesses.

Benefits Of Taking CBD Oil For Sleep

There are several potential benefits to CBD oil for sleep. First, the chemical compound doesn't produce psychoactive effects like those produced by THC. Therefore, it doesn't give users the ‘high' associated with recreational use of cannabis. Second, since CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in a positive manner, it may offer therapeutic benefits to users. Third, the substance isn't addictive and has a low risk of abusive effects.

CBD oil for sleep is typically safe for consumers, especially children. However, just because it is safe for people doesn't mean it is safe for the environment. In fact, there is evidence that hemp oil degradation products are often toxic to microorganisms. That being said, it is still possible for the toxin to enter the environment and cause harm – just the same as with any other oil. For that reason, extra precautions should be taken when disposing of CBD oil for sleep. For instance, if the oil is cleaned up using toxic chemicals, that may leave residues that are harmful to the environment.

The Best Source For CBD

The ideal source of CBD should provide high-quality material at affordable prices with fast delivery. Luckily, one of the best places to get CBD is from a trusted brand that is also committed to providing good customer service. The brand should also have a good manufacturing process that ensures every batch of CBD is just as good as the previous one.

The following are some of the factors to consider when choosing a reliable CBD supplier:

CBD Extract

Extracts from the cannabis plant are usually more strongly flavoured and concentrated than their counterparts from the flowers. This is mainly due to the type of solvent used during the extraction process – usually ethanol or hexane. Ethanol is colorless and tasteless but may have a smell that people find unpleasant. Hexane is also colorless and odorless but has a distinct smell that is often described as ‘chemical' or ‘familiar'.

The advantage of using extracts is that it makes the product more convenient for consumers. It also means that the compounds are more potent and reliable because they have been isolated and patented. Some products contain dozens of cannabinoids and thousands of ppm of these compounds. The disadvantage is that they are usually more expensive to produce and more prone to contamination.

CO2 Extract

CO2 extracts are made from the same plant material as CBD extracts but without the use of solvents. During the extraction process, the plant material is exposed to a carbon dioxide gas. As a result, the oil obtained is colourless and tasteless. It has a high content of highly concentrated and purified cannabinoids.

The advantage of CO2 extracts is that they are not diluted with any solvents. That means the product is more potent and reliable because there are no impurities to dilute the cannabinoid content. Furthermore, solvents tend to strip away some of the benefits obtained from the compounds – mainly their medicinal properties. For that reason, CO2 extracts are usually favoured by medicinal practitioners and consumers who seek pure cannabidiol.

What About Lab Tests?

In the interest of quality control and consumer safety, it is important to perform lab tests to determine the chemical make-up of the product. The test results should be made publicly available so that the consumers can have complete confidence in what they are buying.

CBD has a large number of chemical compounds. The exact amount and type of each compound depends on the strain of the plant material used. Because of its broad spectrum of chemical compounds, it is possible for some of the substances to undergo a chemical breakdown or interaction with other substances in the environment leading to alterations in their structure or properties. For example, light exposure causes a temporary decrease in the medicinal properties of CBD.

However, the alteration in the structure or properties of a compound does not necessarily mean that it is harmful. It is important to remember that the safety of CBD has not been established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and it is always necessary to exercise caution and consume only as much as is necessary.

Buying Organic

Since hemp is a type of cannabis, it is natural for it to grow well in the same soil as other types of cannabis. However, this does not mean that organic hemp is always better for the environment than non-organic hemp. It all depends on the type of pesticide and general fertilizer used – both of which can have an effect on the environment. Pesticides, for example, may be toxic to microorganisms, creating future health problems for people who consume contaminated food or beverages.

General fertilizers, on the other hand, although they can help increase crop yields, may not be as good for the environment as other types of fertilizer. The reason is that they generally contain ammonium which, when nitrified, creates nitrogen gas. This gas is then released into the atmosphere as a by-product of gardening.

That being said, organic hemp is usually better for human health and the environment because it is not treated with any chemicals. For that reason, buying organic is always recommended for hemp products – especially if you want to ensure that the end product is free of pesticides and other toxins. Organic hemp also means that the nutrients in the soil are readily available to the plant. This, in turn, results in a more robust plant which yields more products.

More Information On CBD

If you want to learn more about CBD and its various forms, you can click here for a great beginners guide to CBD.

Once you are informed about the risks and advantages of CBD oil for sleep, you can then make the best choice for your needs and lifestyle. If you choose to go the organic route and buy products made from hemp, you can be sure that you are helping to support a better tomorrow where people live in harmony.